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Fire Light Bulbs
Fire Light Bulbs
Fire Light Bulbs
Fire Light Bulbs
Fire Light Bulbs

Fire Light Bulbs

Regular price $11.99 Sale

Create a calming candle-lit environment without running the risk of starting an actual fire with the fire light bulb. This unique bulb replicates an antique design that results in emission of a distinct golden glow perfect for achieving a turn of the century look.

Product Features:

  • Artificial vivid fire
  • dynamic moving flame,
  • simulate nature fire flicker flame, but flameless
  • safe energy saving of Led light source,
  • replacement of traditional gas lantern or Hurricane Lamp

This atmospheric mood lamp decorates the room with its warm and orange flame color giving you a peaceful, romantic and relaxing space.

Light up one fire flame bulb, turn the jazz music on, lay back , and close your eyes.